Free Download Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar, by Moazzam Begg
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Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar, by Moazzam Begg

Free Download Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar, by Moazzam Begg
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Lesen wie verstehen wird sicherlich immer Sie etwas Neues geben. Es wird Sie sicherlich mit anderen unterscheiden. Sie sollten nach der Lektüre dieses Buches viel besser sein. Wenn Sie wirklich das Gefühl, dass es eine hervorragende Veröffentlichung ist, sagen andere. Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment At Guantanamo, Bagram, And Kandahar, By Moazzam Begg als einer der am meisten benötigten Bücher den folgenden Grund wird, warum wird es abgeholt. Auch diese Veröffentlichung ist einfach ein; Sie können es als Verweisung nehmen.
Natürlich Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment At Guantanamo, Bagram, And Kandahar, By Moazzam Begg wird auch ein guter Faktor Sie Ihre Freizeit verbringen zu lesen. Es ist verschiedene mit verschiedenen anderen Buch, das Erz Zeiten erfordern könnte zu überprüfen. Wenn Sie für diese Veröffentlichung wurden fallen, könnten Sie genau es als eine der Lese Produkte erhalten und auch gute Freunde mit zu verbringen, den Moment zu kommen. Danach konnte man bekommt es zusätzlich als andere fantastische Menschen und lesen Sie diese Veröffentlichung finden. Von diesem Umstand ist es so klar, dass dieses Buch sollte wirklich wie am ersten genannten Buch ist, da es Angebotes zu verbessern scheint.

Taschenbuch: 416 Seiten
Verlag: New Press, The (30. September 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1595582061
ISBN-13: 978-1595582065
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 3,2 x 22,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 669.157 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
For no reason to suffer what this man had to is awfulMistakes are being made by people who are paranoidsThis way of behaving towards another human being is wrong according to the Christian religionNowadays Christians are in no way real Christian . And they are only breeding more unhappiness and frustrationProblems are not going to be solved this way On the contrary They are putting salt on an open wond or boiling oil on a human beinghow can you solve the problems of the world this way ???????????????My mother taught me to be Always good to others , even if they are not hurtful to me .Being good is what i should stay , as a ChristianTorturing others is not a Christian way ,Of course i dont forget the Inquisition , the South and North American Killing of Indians .the witches of Salem >>ETC etc ...........Hiroshima ...........Vietnam .........etcWestern civilisation is is forgetting his religion ........
It's a familiar story and it is not about the United States. It documents the dangers of unthinking tribalism which lurks within each of us and is only overcome with experience, age, patience and self control. I have seen no rebuttal or claims of inacurracy by anyone depicted in the book. It's really important to read the reviews of those who rated this book poorly on Amazon. They just "know" he is guilty of unstated crimes because of his behaviors. Those people shouldn't have passed their high school civics and government classes. What sets this country apart is our belief in laws and human rights and support for individuals to work hard and be rewarded without unreasonable threat of persecution. These ideas are not just part of American law for Americans. They are a belief in the fundamental rights of people worldwide. Many people died on foreign soil fighting to protect these rights. It's not about a flag or "you're with us or against us". It's about what we stand for. And the world has in the past looked up to the US as the land of opportunity and righteousness. The response to the horror of 911 was to jettison many of the things we defend in the name of a tribalistic might makes right approach that included a lot of guilt by association. Forget innocent until proven guilty. Forget charging people with crimes or a jury of your peers. Forget prohibition against torture. Forget the right to privacy. Etc. This was a dark period in history. What this book brings to life is the experiences of an intelligent British young man who got caught up in this orgy of tribalism. While I've been reading this book I've also been watching the CIA destroy the tapes of the torture and withhold the evidence from the oversight committee chaired by the stern old Dianne Feinstein (a usual friend of the intelligence community). This has been an embarrassing time in the history of the US. If you've ever been bullied, you'll see the patterns in this book. Again, check out the people on Amazon who rated this book poorly. They often cite his intelligence as though it is incriminating. Exactly what bullies do - beat up the smart kids. I've watched the gang scene a bit over the years and I've come to the conclusion that the whole war on terror was a gross overreaction that damaged the righteousness of this country. We could have approached AQ like what they were - a gang. We don't eviscerate US law when going after street gangs. They are innocent until proven guilty. They get a lawyer. Some guilty people go free in order to avoid an innocent person going to prison. We don't let people invade a home or station soldiers in a home without a warrant. Remember the founding of this great country? Read the book. It's well written and an easy read. Ask yourself who is more threatening to the US and what it stands for: AQ or the people who advocated this approach to suspects of AQ?
Was ok, I was there and I don't recall any of that. But well Written
First, I am the exact demographic that this book is targeted for. That is liberal and anti-war. With that being said, this book is not very good. If you are already a defendant of American policies, nothing said in this book will change your mind. If you are critical of American policies, this will add nothing to your arguments and at best, simply preaches to the choir.This book is poorly written, lacks substantial evidence, and the author comes across as arrogant and narrow minded. Many times, he asserts his intelligence (simply telling us how smart he is), but it is rarely demonstrated in his writing. His own history as narrated in this book is a chronicle of suspicious behavior and can almost justify him being targeted. This book is shameful and actually can be used as evidence to those who are proponents of the intelligence gathering community's policies that are being criticized.
The author, either a pious bookseller and humanitarian or a supporter of al-Qaida, depending on who you ask, was abducted from his house in Islamabad and spent three years in the titular prisons. Begg is, by other accounts, a reasonable and charming man, and was a model prisoner who got along with several of his guards. His personality shows through in his prose, which is readable, clear, and impassioned without veering into needless vitriol (though he does not bother to hide his disdain for American culture and political ignorance). There are two ways to read the book: the unrepentant apologia of a liar who got caught funding terrorism, or the clarion call of an innocent man nearly destroyed by an unjust and unthinking system. Personally, I think there's a bit of truth to both. Begg leaves out an earlier arrest in his memoir, and even at times condemns himself from his own mouth. It isn't just a post 9/11 America that suspected him; he was investigated by MI5 as early as 1998. He also defends the Taliban, claims that he was allowed to build a girls' school under them, hints that 9/11 was known ahead of time by US authorities who let it happen, and thinks that Afghanistan was attacked because it was a "purist Islamic state" (which is ludicrous). But at the same time, the outrage of this book is that even if Begg was as bad as Bush and company said, he should have gotten a trial. The charges against him should have been made public and plain. He and all the others should have been treated with a modicum of humanity (which is not the same as respect or complacency). And certainly, US and British intelligence should have conducted interrogations with intelligence and coordination, not the repetitive, unhelpful sessions by any number of alphabet agencies vying with each other instead of sharing information. At the very least, Begg's memoir shows that the aftermath of the War on Terror is as badly handled in the prisons as it is in the White House.
This book is among the first published material describing the "War on Terror" from the perspective of the other side. Mr. Begg -- who isn't a terrorist, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time -- is able to humanize the events, we see the people involved, captors and detainees alike, as real people rather than the stylized "us (good) and them (bad)" that we're fed by most of the mass media. Mr. Begg does not judge people but by dispassionately describing them and their actions he makes a very powerful indicitment of the system that has created this mess and justifies it day to day.Mr. Begg is English and one of the interesting facets of the book is the way that certain events and actions unfold using a logic that's utterly mysterious to him but obvious to an American. I hope that the US edition of this book, due to be released later this year, is not changed to alter this.
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